Product Overview
The SeaBat F30 (also known as 7130-MkII) is a high-resolution Forward-Looking Sonar System designed specifically for 12 ¾ inch (approx. 324mm) AUVs/UUVs. The SeaBat F30 operates at 200 kHz or 635 kHz illuminating a wide, 120° horizontal sector ahead of the Sonar Head Assembly. The high frequency 635 kHz provides high resolution classification functionality, whereas the lower frequency 200 kHz provides long-range detection capability.
The SeaBat F30 is an ideal sonar platform for development of advanced forward-looking sonar applications include AUV/UUV obstacle avoidance, terrain mapping, concurrent mapping and localization (CML), object classification and more. The 200kHz array consists of 3 distinct sub-arrays, distributed in the vertical direction, which is processed in the real time enabling vertical height discrimination of targets ahead of the sonar; using a combination of Interferometric and Vernier processing. The SeaBat F30 is primarily intended for use on AUV/UUVs, but also applicable to ROVs and small submarines – and is depth rated up to 6,000m.
Key Features
- Unique dual frequency sonar with 2D imaging and 3D FLS bathymetry
- 3D mode provides range, bearing, and vertical incidence angle for all echoes
- Compact design saves valuable vehicle real estate
- Reduced cost of ownership due to COTS platform
- Industry standard SeaBat 7k data interface simplifies application development and integration work