Product Overview
The SBE 27 pH and O.R.P. (Redox) sensor combines a pressure-balanced, glass-electrode, Ag/AgCl reference probe and platinum O.R.P. electrode to provide in-situ measurements at depths to 1200 m. The replaceable pH probe is permanently sealed and is supplied with a soaker bottle attachment that prevents the reference electrode from drying out during storage. The sensor is a modular, self-contained package that is easy to install, service, and calibrate.
The SBE 27 is intended for use as an add-on auxiliary sensor for profiling CTDs (SBE 9plus; SBE 19, 19plus, and 19plus V2 SeaCAT; and SBE 25 and 25plus Sealogger). Power / signal interface cables and mounting hardware are available separately.