Product Overview
Profiling CTD
The SBE 25plus Sealogger is the ideal research-quality CTD profiler for coastal, estuarine, and deep-water deployments. Pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow minimizes salinity spiking and allows for slow descent rates without slowing sensor responses, improving dynamic accuracy and resolving small scale structure in the water column.
The 25plus supports numerous auxiliary sensors with eight A/D channels and two RS-232 data channels, with enough power for power-hungry sensors such as nitrate (e.g., SUNA) and CO2. The alkaline battery pack provides power for up to 55 hours of profiling.
The 25plus is frequently used autonomously, recording data internally. It can also provide real-time acquisition and display over short cables via the RS-232 interface. Sea-Bird Scientific also offers a load-bearing cable for hand-hauled, real-time profiling. External power and communication can be provided with the SBE 36 Deck Unit and PDIM. The 25plus is easily integrated with a Sea-Bird Scientific Water Sampler; both real-time and autonomous auto-fire operations are possible.