Product Overview
Many hydrographers and POS MV users have benefited from the increased accuracy and reliability offered by POSPac MMS, the industry- leading GNSS-aided inertial post-processing software from Applanix.
POSPac Go! makes the power of POSPac available to a much wider audience – no need for explicit training or significant additional overhead in processing time.
POSPac Go! in PPK mode takes RTK observables logged in real-time and interpolates through any gaps caused by telemetry issues. Eliminating the gaps and latency which tend to limit RTK performance in real-time provides a completely standalone SBET solution, with no need for internet access or returning to shore to download data from a dedicated GNSS base station.
In PP-RTX mode, POSPac Go! expands the applicability of the tool yet further – with just an internet connection, centimeter-level Direct Georeferencing of multibeam data is available anywhere, without reference to base stations or other infrastructure.
To ensure many more users can access the power of POSPac to deliver the most reliable and accurate position and orientation solution possible, Applanix have developed POSPac Go!, a subscription service providing one-button access to POSPac processing.
Data may be processed either in PPK mode, using data from an RTK base station or, with the optional PP-RTX subscription, without any need to deploy or access base stations. Each method provides robust, centimetric positioning and orientation results.
Embedded in the familiar MV-POSView command and control software, POSPac Go! will automatically identify the location of logged data.
Alternatively, the user can browse to the data to be processed should they wish. With the click of a single button, the power of POSPac is harnessed to create a smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) file, the associated error estimates, and a PDF report, detailing the processing done.