Product Overview

Since 1997 Teledyne RD Instruments has been providing ADCPs that have proven in the field they can profile beyond 1000 m from research vessels traveling at speeds >15 knots and from offshore oil and gas platforms during exploration work.

That same technology has now allowed the Ocean Observer III 38 kHz ADCP to be created. The field-proven 38 kHz phased array ADCP transducer is combined with field-proven electronics into a single package that is capable of profiling >1000m. This design makes it ideal to be mounted from an oil platform, over the side of a vessel, and in surface buoys.

Key Features

  • Field-Proven Hardware Functionality: Phased-array transducer technology >18 years Electronics/firmware >5 years
  • Field-Proven Profiling Range: 1000 m profiling range on more than 100 installations worldwide for >18 years
  • Compact Size: Patented phased-array transducer with integrated electronics in a single package
  • Dual Profiling Modes: Independent or interlaced long-range and high-resolution modes to optimize for deployment requirements
  • Integrated Sensors: Heading, pitch, roll, temperature, pressure, and HEM sensors
  • Versatile: Collect real-time 1000 m profiles from just about any surface platform or mooring
Ocean Observer III 38kHz ADCP by Teledyne