Product Overview
Pinger sub-bottom profiler
GeoPulse is the survey industry’s industry-standard sub-bottom profiler system. Its proven success is due to its reliability, ruggedness, ease of operation and flexibility. Sub-seabed structures are delineated using reflections from a selectable single frequency multi-cycle high power signal, which is transmitted from an over-the-side, towed or hull mounted platform.
The system comprises the deck unit and a four transducer array in a towfish, over-the-side mount assembly, or a bespoke hull mount arrangement, which can be either configured in a 2×2, 3×3 or 4×4 transducer array.
- Selectable transmit frequency 2 to 12 kHz – – Over-the-side, towed or hull mounted deployment
- Reliable, proven, easy to use
- Good penetration and resolution