Product Overview

We have four pre-configured ecoSUB-Hydrocarbon Sniffer series vehicles, u5 Hydrocarbon Sniffer Lite, m5 Hydrocarbon Sniffer Lite, m5 Hydrocarbon Sniffer and m5 Hydrocarbon Sniffer+.  We provide pre-configured options for convenience only, ecoSUB users can define the payloads for any vehicle and make changes to the options below.  We are happy to provide integration work packages for new payloads as long as they meet sensible requirement for size, weight and power consumption.  

Our Hydrocarbon Sniffer series of ecoSUB AUVs are focused on providing detection and measurement of crude oil in water, principally to provide the offshore oil and gas community with low cost solutions for rapid and targeted data collection.  These vehicles are ideal for emergency response incidents where rapid environmental assessment and oil plume tracking is required.  Multiple ecoSUB-Hydrocarbon Sniffer AUVs can provide wide spatial resolution and timely data collection to inform decision makers. 

Standard payload:

  • Seabird Scientific SeaOWL UV-A Sea Oil-in-Water Locator
  • Valeport CT (conductivity & temperature)
  • ​​Marine Sonic Technologies Sea Scan Echo Altimeter or Valeport VA500 OEM Altimeter


  • Nano-modem
  • ​Water Linked DVL A-50

The ecoSUBm5-Hydrocarbon Sniffer AUV features Seabird Scientific's SeaOWL UV-A Sea Oil-in-Water Locator.  SeaOWL UV-A measures crude oil-in water using the UV-A excitation and blue emission wavelengths (370nm
EX/ 460nm EM). Dynamic gain provides industry leading sensitivity across a large detection range making saturation unlikely in
even the most heavily impacted environments. The compact SeaOWL UV-A design also includes chlorophyll fluorescence and 700nm backscattering measurements to discriminate crude oil from phytoplankton and other natural sources of FDOM.

In addition, the ecoSUBm5-Hydrocarbon Sniffer also benefits from a conductivity and temperature sensor to provide additional useful environmental data and an altimeter to provide bottom avoidance capability and seabed tracking behaviours to enable the vehicle to fly at a set distance above the seabed.

ecoSUBm5-Hydrocarbon Sniffer